36′ Display Trailer allows Digger Specialties to Showcase Products Despite Pandemic
November 5, 2020
While large events, festivals, and trade shows remain closedfor the foreseeable future, the Covid-19 pandemic hasn't stopped some brands fromhitting the road to showcase their products.
Larry Burkholder, training manager for Digger Specialties, Inc., is doing just that with a custom-built 36-foot ATC display trailer.
“I usually travel to about 30 states per year,” Burkholdersaid. “Covid has limited that to 18 states so far in 2020.”
Digger Specialties manufactures fencing, railing, column,and outdoor lighting products, and with so many different options, styles, andproduct lines to choose from, one can imagine the difficulty in showcasing themto potential buyers.
That’s where the trailer came in. Rather than just relyingon sell sheets and online product catalogues to reach their customers, Diggertook a page out of the experiential marketing playbook, using a trailer as a tangibleway to let their customers experience the products hands-on.
We worked with Digger to design the custom trailer, built byATC, to effectively display their products. The result was a 36-foot trailerwith large concession-style windows that flip up on three sides. A sub-basementwas also built to allow for product mounting at eye level as well as underneathstorage, and the gooseneck allows Burkholder to store flyers and othermaterials.
Once they received the trailer, Digger then added therailings, fencing, and columns in a way that allows the user to slide out eachone individually for a closer look.
“This new unit is four feet longer but the same basic designas the retired unit,” Burkholder explained, comparing this trailer to his oldone that he put more than 300,000 miles on across 43 states. “We [also] added additionalinterior lighting, a generator, a TV to show training videos, back up lights,more exterior lights, and a sound system.”
He takes the trailer to lumber yards and deck stores acrossthe country that carry the Digger brands – Westbury, Courtyard, Regis,Polyvinyl, and Magena Star – training employees on the products.
This month, the trailer is making stops in Illinois,Missouri, and Iowa and it will finish out the year with visits to Ohio, WestVirginia, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, and Kentucky.
If you see Burkholder on the road, give him wave, and ifyour brand could use a trailer to showcase your products give us a call at 630-524-2029today.
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