Enclosed Car Trailers Protect Your Investment and Make a Statement
June 27, 2018
An enclosedcar trailer is a sound investment if you have an expensive vehicle thatyou want to transport without racking up the mileage or exposing it to theelements. Unfortunately, most car trailers have one thing in common—they're plain. They don’t have to be when you choose AdvantageTrailer!
Instead of choosing a basic trailer, we cancreate a custom trailer just for you!
Custom Enclosed Car Trailer Construction
It all starts with custom construction. We have innovativeloading and hauling solutions that you won’t find anywhere else. After all, weare the largest dealer of ATC vehicles!
Enhance basic enclosed car trailers,haul more than one vehicle with a stacker car trailer, or choose constructionthat enables you to use clear panels that are perfect for showing off a car ata special event without removing it from the trailer.
Trailer Wraps and Graphic Displays
What makes most trailers so boring is the fact that they’rea single, monotone color. At Advantage Trailer, we thinkthat’s a waste of marketing real estate. That’s why we work with businesses,organizations, and events to create custom wraps and exterior displays thatwill take your trailer to a whole new level.
Design Your Car Trailer with a Team of Experts
If you want your trailer to last, you have to make sure youchoose the right builder and dealer. At Advantage Trailer, we have offered thelargest selection of high-quality trailers in the region since 1989. We employfactory-trained design crews to make sure everything is customized with safetyand longevity in mind and our trailers come with product liability and backupwarranties.
If you want to learn more about enclosed car trailers, or you want to getstarted designing yours today, give us a call or fill out our form!
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